Super Floral
How to place your Order
How to order products
Instore visit
Once instore and selecting items that you require from the shelves, proceed to the tellers and checkout.
Via email
Email your order to / and then a quotation will be confirmed with you. Once the quotation is accepted and payment reflected in Super Florals bank account, a sales order (invoice) will be processed.
Via the website
Navigating through the various products upon the website, arriving at the product you wish to order, select Add to Cart. Follow the procedures that are set out. Once completed with selecting various products, select the Cart that is upon the top of the webpages tool bar. Complete the form and select send.
How to make telephonic enquiries
Contact 021 510 7759
The telephone voice over will direct you through the following options: Orders / Accounts / Quotes / Operating Hours and The Operator. Simply make your selection.
How to make online enquiries
When upon the Cape Town home page of Super Floral, click on 'Enquiries' situated on the task bar on the top of the page.
Now click on the option that says 'General Enquiries', and complete the form. Once the form has been fully completed, click 'send form' and you will then be in correspondence with our information desk.
(An automatic response will be sent back to you to confirm that Super Floral has received your enquiry)
How to process online quotations and orders
When upon the webpage of Super Floral Cape Town and browsing through the various Product Categories, once arriving at a product of interest, indicate the quantity you wish to have and then proceed to click on the trolley icon. Your item has now been added to your pending quotation. Continue to browse through your products of interest and repeat the process of indicating quantity and clicking on the trolley icon.
Once you have now completed your full online quotation, proceed to the top of the webpage and begin to check-out. Click on the trolley icon that is situated on the task bar on the top of the page. Now complete the form fully (with indicating if you are a private person or trading customer within the comments box) and click 'send form'. You are now in direct contact with our information desk, where an automated response will shortly be given to you via your email address given, which will have your online quotation attached.
To action your quotation into an order, kindly notify our information desk that your online quotation has been accepted and that you wish to proceed towards a sales invoice. This process will have you being transferred to our Orders Team who will finally process the final invoice together with you.
Delivery Procedure
Delivery procedures which are arranged by Super Floral (3 Methods)
Our own independent delivery service, which makes deliveries to different areas of Cape Town on a two-week schedule (this is for existing Trade Customers).
We utilize the services of a courier company whereby the courier services collect the completely packed and invoice parcel, and then delivery is sent to the customer.
We ensure that a customers completely packed and invoiced parcel gets communicated to the customer, after which we inform the customer that the parcel is ready for collection. This then is independently managed by the customer.
Other options which our customers see necessary, can be arranged on a merited basis (example of these would be: Post Office Services / Postnet / etc.)